Tata Steel’s stock price advanced by 0.94% to Rs 117.70 a day after the company posted a surprising net loss of Rs 6,196 crore on a consolidated basis for the second quarter of FY24, also missing street estimates, impacted by weak performance of its European operations. In comparison, the steel major had posted a net profit of Rs 1,514.42 crore in the comparable year-ago period. During the quarter review, the Tata Group firm’s consolidated revenue fell 7% to Rs 55,682 crore from Rs 59,878 crore recorded in the year-ago quarter.
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Tata Steel’s stock has delivered a mixed performance in the last one year. The stock price dropped 3% in the last five days and 8.59% in the last one month. The stock, however, has offered returns of 6% in the last six months and over 15% in the last one year to its investors.
Should you buy, sell or hold Tata Steel shares?
Prabhudas Lilladher: Buy – Target Price: Rs 144
“Tata Steel’s 2QFY24 consolidated EBITDA declined 30% YoY to Rs 427o crore (-18% QoQ; lower than PLe of Rs 4770 crore) on weak performance from European operations. Indian business delivered strong operating performance with EBITDA growth of 45% YoY to Rs 6750 crore (In-line with PLe of Rs 6820 crore). RM cost per ton declined 3% QoQ to Rs 30,300/t while other expenses declined 12% QoQ to Rs 20,945/t on lower royalty, FX impact and power cost. Operationally In-line TSI; all eyes on capex execution; weak pricing in Europe may continue hurting TSE. ‘Buy’ at Target Price Rs 144, CMP Rs 116.”
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(The recommendations in this story are by the respective research analysts and brokerage firms. FinancialExpress.com does not bear any responsibility for their investment advice. Capital markets investments are subject to rules and regulations. Please consult your investment advisor before investing.)